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Class Methods

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Easing you in with slow and controlled movements, working through low impact, full body, weighted movements and finishing with a quick burst of heart rate elevation. Isolated pulses, holds and lots of core work will improve your strength, flexibility and coordination.


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The class we hate to love, yet it remains one of our most loved workouts. Think music, vibes, explosive sets, sprints, body weight and weighted floor work, and SWEAT. This class is suitable for all fitness types, you are always in control of your speed and the weights you choose. 

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Build is fundamental in the Move Well training method. It is a strength workout to maximise building lean muscle, creating shape, preventing injury, and facilitating increased performance. In Build, you will use dumbbells, barbells and benches for conventional strength work and bands and light weights for any finishing sets. 


There are two types of Build Classes, either focusing on upper or lower body strength which is stated in the timetable.


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